Despair Not

A nice reminder collected from sister Nasmira's blog...

“When you are hurt by the people who share blood relations with you, recall Prophet Joseph (Yusuf) [alayhi salaam] who was also betrayed by his brothers.

When you find your parents opposing you (in religion) recall Prophet Abraham (Ibraheem) [alayhi salaam] who was made to jump into a blazing fire by his father.

When you are mocked and abused by your own relatives just because you adopted Islam over duniya, recall Prophet Mohammad [sallalhu alaihi wa sallam] who faced the same.

When you are mocked and abused by your own relatives just because you adopted Islam over duniya, recall Prophet Mohammad [sallalhu alaihi wa sallam] who faced the same.

When you are stuck into some problem and find no way out recall Prophet Jonah (Yunus) [alayhi salaam] who was stuck inside the belly of a whale.

When you fall ill and your whole body cries in pain, recall Prophet Job (Ayoob) [alayhi salaam] who was more ill than you.

When you see some physical fault in yourself, recall Prophet Moses (Musa) [alayhi salam] who could not properly speak.

When someone slanders you, recall Ay’esha [radiallahu anha] who was also slandered throughout the city.

When you can’t see any logic in what’s going on and your heart asks why this is happening, recall Prophet Noah (Nuh) [alayhi salaam] who built the Ark without questioning.

Subhan’Allah! Allah put all those great personalities in trial so that the generations to follow may learn a lesson in patience and perseverance.”

Beautiful..ain’t it?! :)

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